I am almost positive if you are a mom most mornings are a struggle. Lets keep it real. I mean there are some days I literally have to pull my son out of bed by his legs. Throw in my diva who fights with me at 6;45 am over the shoes she is wearing and I am begging for an introvenous of caffeine. You know that happy moment you enjoy that first sip and everything around you is all rainbows and sunshine….
This morning there was no caffeine. Yes take a moment to appreciate that little fact. Naturally my Ninja Coffee bar that brews the most amazing flavorful, rich coffee, sat in its usual place on my counter, only thing missing was the lit up time stamp. Why? Simply because mama blew a fuse and somehow venturing down into the dungeon, aka basement just didn’t sound to appealing regardless of the rainbow and sunshine visions I had flashing before me.
JD made it to school, just in the nick of time without the need of a late pass, Thank God! And just as I began to believe the caffeine withdrawal would be fine, we ventured off to G’s school…. and then it happened.
MOMMY, MOMMY!! THAT LADY IS HOLDING AN ELF ON THE SHELF!! If you don’t have kids your like ok get over it, however those who do, and are aware of the Magical Elf on the Shelf feel my pain!
Although each family is different, my children like most believe the elf has magical powers and flies home to Santa every night to report on their behaviors. However, no one ever sees his movement and the Elf arrives the next morning before the children wake and settles into a new location, and sometimes creates some mischief.
Well with G screaming, about the lady, I knew I had to act fast before our tradition was ruined, and I would inevitably be hammered with questions. So I did what any other mom would do. Pulled over and told, asked the woman to come and tell Gia the elf fell and she was rescuing it! Yep I sure did!!
But really why?
Why was the Elf on the shelf, that you are not suppose to touch, out and about? Let’s even say for arguments sake your family has their own way of participating in the Elf on the Shelf thats fine, to each its own, but why do we need to ruin it for the masses?
Honestly I was just wishing I would have taken the minute to venture down into the basement and flip the switch and made myself coffee. In my mind we would have never run into this woman flapping her Mario elf, yep that was his name, around as she spoke on her phone, and I would have experienced rainbows and sunshine opposed to a dam migraine!
Rant over.
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