Dear fellow passenger who is seated behind me…
Were you ever a child? Do you have kids??
Most of all, is your life that serious that you need to “poke” me to demand my child put her headphones on? Yes she does have headphones, but sadly her over protective worry wart father purchased a LifeProof case that doesn’t allow us to actually plug them in.
More importantly my kid is 4, and anxious, and has been having a great day thus far. She is setting off for a magical experience at Disney at a time when she is old enough to actually appreciate all Disney has to offer. Having been up since 6 am with visions of Fairy Dust along with a wintry wonderland, you need to cut her some slack! She is well behaved, and just enjoying a movie.
The alternative you would not like, you know the part where if you poke me again, I lose my cool and turn into a SHTTY MOM…. get frustrated with my child who is actually just being a child trying to watch Mr. Peabody and Sherman which will lead to a tantrum that can go on until she passes out.
So please chill out, and be thankful you are not sitting behind the screamer in the back row!

Venting session over, so is Gia’s movie, the beast behind me is asleep as well as my Princess.
(Side note Gia’s iPod was not loud, you know me better than that)
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