Ironically just as I unplug the kids for the summer, I decided to reorganize our front room and plugged in….
6 Tips for a Stress Free Move
Just about a year ago while I was away with friends at a blogging conference my husband decided he had…
Tools to keep you from getting Hacked via @VerizonFios #FiOSNY
Viruses, and identity theft are as common today as kids teaching their parents how to utilize the latest technology. After…
How A Date Night When Married Is Like High School
Do you remember date night? Whether you were celebrating an anniversary or simply spicing up a thank you God free weekend, fun…
Giving Thanks in Style
We are thankful for so many wonderful things this year, and most important are our friends and family we plan to…
The Need for Speed with FiOS
Rather than enjoy the last few weeks of Summer parents everywhere are running scared to ensure they secure everything on…